Mott Park Clubhouse
A Community Center for Mott Park Neighborhood and Recreation Area
Our Vision
A small, multi-use community center serving neighborhood residents through arts, nature, and athletic activities in a physical space that supports community life and identity as a focal point for the vibrant urban neighborhood of Mott Park.
Year-round activities include:
- arts programing for all ages, kids to seniors
- holiday parties for kids
- nature activities programing utilizing the Mott Park Recreation Area space
- exercise, yoga, bingo, euchre etc.
- meeting and office space for the Mott Park Neighborhood Association and the Mott Park Recreation Area
- lease availability for special events contact Gennois Wiggins at gennoisrwiggins@gmail.com

Our Reality:
The Mott Park Golf Course closed in 2010. With thanks to many neighbors volunteering their time and talents with painting, plumbing, landscaping around the clubhouse, a donation for 15 windows and a grant for $25,000.00, just to name a few, the roof has been replaced, there is a new HVAC system, the broken windows have been replaced and the bathrooms are once again functional.

The City of Flint has agreed to lease the building to the Mott Park Recreation Association in order to turn it into a community center. The city will cover some of the utility costs so that we can focus our fundraising on the bigger issues.
Our Invitation:
The grand opening was in June 2022. All neighbors are encouraged to participate in the activities that are on the calendar of events, to volunteer when you can and to utilize the clubhouse for an event.