Calling all neighbors to come help on September 29th, 2018 from 9am to 12pm to do a fall clean up at the park!
The focus will be on cleaning up the brush and overgrowth around the park, as well as trimming the trees and cleaning the medians along Chevrolet and DuPont.
If you are available and would like to help, come join us down at the playground! We will have some tools available (borrowed from the Neighborhood Engagement Hub) along with work gloves and other supplies. You are more than welcome to bring your own tools to help, just make sure you mark them with your name.
Lunch will be provided for the volunteers.
All neighbors are welcome!
Our December meeting is our end of the year meeting.
This meeting we will have a speaker… Officer Metcalf will come and give us information about having off-duty officers patrolling our neighborhood. Please make sure to share this with all your neighbors! This program is funding by all the neighbors so the more people that attend the better!
The new officers / elections will be introduced.
We will be providing dinner, if you would like to bring a dish to pass your are more than welcome (but not required).
This will be a great meeting to get to know your neighbors and enjoy some yummy food!