Neighborhood News

Neat Street and Park Tenders

Neat Street

Mott Park still has active volunteers for the Neat Street program, and they are out and about in our neighborhood. They help keep our neighborhood clean by picking up litter and trash that people throw out in our streets while they are driving or walking. There has been a great response and sense of pride that comes from this – not just with adults but also with children. My kids have learned not only what is involved in taking care of our street, but also the impact it has on our neighborhood and our environment as a whole. They ask questions and are inspired to do more.

If you have kids or are interested in doing something for our neighborhood, this is a great place to start! Choose to walk your block, your street, a few streets, the park… Whatever you are capable of doing. Take a bag and just start walking and pick up any trash along the way. If you let us know ahead of time we do have some grabbers that you can use as well.

There are many streets that need some extra help – they may be not close to your street but if we invest time in them they, too, will look amazing.

Park Tenders

Spring has sprung, yards are being cleaned up, and all traces of winter are behind us now. This year Mott Park has officially moved to the next phase of the Adopt-a-Park program – we are now Park Tenders. Woo hoo!

Park Tenders will connect us with larger grants that will help us do new and exciting things in and around the park area. Through this, all of our ideas and plans will start to come to fruition.

We are in need of more neighbors to join in and help this program run smoothly. If you are interested in helping make our park better and safer please contact me via email, Facebook or call me at 810-241-1869.

When we have our next meeting for the park, we will post it on Facebook and our website. Congratulations to all of our neighbors for this great achievement in receiving the help we need in the park.

Nena Woodall, Neighborhood Park and Playground Chair